Friday, September 19, 2008


I read a book Vibes. It was a good book, and it kept me entertained. Vibes had many different places and times, it was a good book for a good setting. This book has a different places (i.e. Her School, a.k.a. Journey's, her house, which is huge, and he Aunts house) Her mother is a surgeon and she makes a lot of money. She makes enough to live in a nice house in a nice suburb, really close to her Aunts, not so nice, suburb. The times in this book, show her life from the minute she wakes up to minute she goes to bed.

Her school is a place of free creativity; it has a lot of trees, grass, rocks. In this school they call there teachers by there first name, and all there classrooms are called a different name. This school is like a hippie school (no offense to hippies) :D

Setting is important because it shows us about the character, there personality and there lifestyle.



Hannah said...

So are you saying that what you do is better then the way hippies do things???? 'Cause that would be ethnocentric! Lol, we just had a HUGE discussion about that in social studies today. You probobly remember learing about that. The book sounds great, and I'll have to look for it the next time I'm at the library. Finaly, I have a book that I actually want to read on my TO READ LIST

Julia said...

Sounds good, maybe you could describe the "places" more...

J. Pingrey said...

Very interesting concept. Not that you had to answer these questions, but how do the characters feel about where they go to school? Do you think that you'd like a school like that? I actually have a cousin who went to a similar school-they never gave grades, among other oddities. I am curious about the title of the book as well.'ve raised lots of questions.