Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer

This week I have read the book The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd. This book was not very good, quite boring. It is confusing about the time in which the book takes place, which makes it hard to follow.

I just can't seem to be entertained by this book, I can't get hooked. I easily loose interest and I can't concentrate. Recently, just to get through the book, I have been skimming through it.

There is no vivid language and only every once and while does this book give me a vivid image of whats happening.

I have to say that this is not one of my favorite books, and I would have to give it, on a scale from one to ten, and five and a half.



Hannah said...

i agree with you. and anything that tries to be like the twilight series is dumb.

Julia said...

I don't think I would like that book much either because I don't like boring and not really descriptive books.

E S B said...
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E S B said...

????? I cannot understand anything about the book. The only thing I got from thi blogg is that you don't like it. Say what the book is about.

J. Pingrey said...

Did you end up finishing the book? I understand what you mean, however. I have dragged myself through some really terrible books, and quite frankly, they're not worth my time! I know imitation is the greatest form of flattery, but when it comes to books, its sub par.