Friday, October 3, 2008

Violet and Claire by Francesca Lia Block

In the book, how Violet uses film to escape her life reminds me a lot of how I use books to get away. Violet sees everything in scenes and all the people are actors and actresses. She wants to be a director and so she escapes real life and thinks of everything as scenes in her movie. Whenever anything goes bad in my life I can slip into a good book and get swept away into a different place, time and person. Therefore I can see how and why Violet is so obsessed with movies so I can relate to the main character, Violet.


Julia said...

THe same thing happens to me. I mean the book thing not the movie thing. I love reading and so whenever things aren't going the way I plan I like reading so all those feeling can be pushed aside for a moment and I can focus on only the book's characters.

Hannah said...

that's the same way i feel about books, but i really haven't been reading that much in my free time because i haven't had much of it. so right now, i'm not using that as my "go to, cause i'm not happy" it's mostly getting stress out doing conditioning after school, and listening to music (while doing homework) cause i don't have time for much else.

E S B said...

I think it'sa great blog but since I'm a guy I don't think I will read the book. I also think you should talk about Claire and if she hasn't come into the book yet then put her name out of the title of this blog.

J. Pingrey said...

I must agree! I was talking with someone just the other day how I get completely absorbed with what I am reading; to the point that I actually dream about the characters (scary, I know) like they are my friends or something. I really do have a life, but getting swept up in a good book is such a nice reprieve :)