Friday, October 10, 2008

Untamed by P.C. and Kristin Cast

I am reading Untamed by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. So far I really like this book, I wouldn't have change anything about this book but there is one thing I would have liked to add. If I could I would like the book to inlcude something more about Aphrodites and Stevie-Raes time away from the school. I would want this because and Stevie-Rae so not get along so I would like to see the conflict between them. I would make it like a re-cap, almost like a memory. I think it would make the book better because if you read the third book they don't get along but now they are friends. I think it would make the book stronger by knowing what happened.



Julia said...

Yeah, I would want to know what happened between them too if I were reading that book. :-)

J. Pingrey said...

Before I respond, just wanted to let you know that I really like how you add the covers of the books into your posts-it helps because I am such a visual person! I liked your addition, and really want to know more about the book, so that I could add a more intelligent response to your post. :)

Hannah said...

yeah, i would want to know as well, it's almost as if a page got ripped out, and apart of the book is gone, if the author doesn't inform you about those things. you really miss out on more connections and thoughts you could make.