Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer

This week I have read the book The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd. This book was not very good, quite boring. It is confusing about the time in which the book takes place, which makes it hard to follow.

I just can't seem to be entertained by this book, I can't get hooked. I easily loose interest and I can't concentrate. Recently, just to get through the book, I have been skimming through it.

There is no vivid language and only every once and while does this book give me a vivid image of whats happening.

I have to say that this is not one of my favorite books, and I would have to give it, on a scale from one to ten, and five and a half.


Friday, September 19, 2008


I read a book Vibes. It was a good book, and it kept me entertained. Vibes had many different places and times, it was a good book for a good setting. This book has a different places (i.e. Her School, a.k.a. Journey's, her house, which is huge, and he Aunts house) Her mother is a surgeon and she makes a lot of money. She makes enough to live in a nice house in a nice suburb, really close to her Aunts, not so nice, suburb. The times in this book, show her life from the minute she wakes up to minute she goes to bed.

Her school is a place of free creativity; it has a lot of trees, grass, rocks. In this school they call there teachers by there first name, and all there classrooms are called a different name. This school is like a hippie school (no offense to hippies) :D

Setting is important because it shows us about the character, there personality and there lifestyle.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Cut by Patricia McCormick

I have recently read the book Cut for the second time. It is a wonderful book, really good story line and wonderful morales. I love this book, it is very realistic. The main character is Callie, a.k.a. S.T. Her strength is her determination and her weakness is just the same. She is a cutter and she has to go to Sea Pines. She has to talk to a counselor and she doesn't start talking until a good portion of the books. The counselor she talks to is a well dressed, curious shrink. She does everything a counselor would but Callie and her connect. Callie eventually starts talking and everything changes. She goes from a silent cutter to well, you'll have to read to find out what she becomes.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Tithe by Holly Black

I have recently found the books Tithe, Valiant, and Ironside. These books are of the sci-fi fantasy genre and are about faeries. These books start off a little slow but I was soon captivated and intrigued by the grotesque images that Holly Black can portray about, what I thought they were-little winged creatures that live in your garden-faeries. I was impressed by her writing and I hope to find a fourth book out soon.

I liked all three books, but when I first read Valiant I found out that it was not about the same characters. They are actually about some different characters. But in the third book, Ironside everything rights itself out.

Now the end of the last book is a little bit too faerie-tale for me, but...

Brieleigh M.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Me, Myself, and I

I have always loved to read, and I have always been proficient in reading. I like to read whenever I can. When I read I unlock a doorway into a different world. I can go anywhere, I can see anything, I can become anyone. I know that sounds kinda corny, but I just have always loved to read.
Reading has always been important in my life and when I was in elementary school I would go down to the library and check out as many books as I could. Of course I was at the school library and could only check out so many books and I could only read the books they have at the library.
I now buy my books at Barnes and Noble. I love that store because I can get any book that I need there and I can read as much as I want. I have my own mini library in my room, I already have more than 200 books. I have read everyone, and hope to continue.
I love to read books about real life situations that teens get thrown into, I also like sci-fi/ fantasy.
My favorite book right now is Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. I really enjoy all four of the books. Once you read the first one you can't leave the others unread. There are no slow spots in that book and you can't get bored with that book. I would recommend that book to anyone, my 9 year old cousin read that book and loved it. Even if you don't like vampire books, this is an excellent book full of great writing.

Brieleigh M.
